How to setup your email on mobile phone/smart device using the Outlook app

Modified on Fri, 15 May 2020 at 09:28 PM

Should you wish to have your work email on your mobile phone or other smart device such as a tablet, please download Outlook from the relevant 'app store'

'App Store' For iOS (Apple iPhone/iPad)

'Play Store/Google Play Store' For Android (Samsung, Huawei phones/tablets) 

Once you have Outlook installed, please run the app by tapping on it. At this point you may be asked if you wish to allow notifications - this is down to personal preference!

The guide below was taken from the setup of Outlook on an Apple iPhone however the Android process is very similar

Enter your full work email address in the box as shown below and select 'Add Account'

It is possible that Outlook will detect your email address as an 'IMAP account, please select 'Not IMAP' and tap 'Change account provider'

Next, tap on 'Exchange'

Next, please fill in the information required ensuring that the 'Use advanced settings' toggle is 'on'

Email Address -

Password - Your own password that you use to log on to the network

Description - This is your own choice. 'Work' is a good example

Server -

Domain -

Username -

Once you have entered all the relevant information please tap on 'Sign in'

If it was successful you will be taken to a screen offering you the ability to 'add another account' 

Please select 'maybe later' 

You will then be taken to your inbox. 

Please note it may take a few moments to synchronise your emails and folders for the first time.


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