Welcome to Twynham Learning

Modified on Fri, 15 May 2020 at 09:18 PM

Welcome to Twynham Learning. You should have received your laptop, and your email address/login details.

Please see the following guide for details on how to log on to your new laptop.


'Accessing your email'

For your convenience, you can access your email a number of different ways on a number of different devices

Via any internet connected device including mobile/smart devices - see the following article http://support.twynhamlearning.com/a/solutions/articles/77000212404 

From the Outlook program on your laptop - see the following article


From your mobile/smart device using the Outlook app - see the following article


'Introducing Decksy - Your Personalised Dashboard'

See the following article for a Twynham Learning initiative - 'Decksy'


'Microsoft Teams'

Microsoft Teams has been preinstalled on your device. Microsoft Teams is a great way of communicating with colleagues and other members of Twynham Learning. 

There are several articles detailing the use of Teams, and what it can be used for. 

Please see the link below



Another Twynham Learning Initiative - Sometimes you want to send a large file or folder to a colleague. 

Think of 'Sendy' as Twynham Learning's very own Dropbox! - see the following article


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